Sunday, September 13, 2009

Blog Virgin I am totally new to the whole blogging thing. I am not sure if I will be any good at it or if I will update often, but I at least want to made an attempt here. Secondly, I have no idea how you are supposed to make your blog all pretty like all of my friends' blogs. As of now, I just have this boring layout and boring background, so any help would be much appreciated.
So....this morning I took the little Intelligender pee test that revealed "WE ARE HAVING A BOY." I peed in a cup, sucked the pee out of the cup with a syringe, and then syringed my pee into another container with this powdery subtance inside and swirled it around for 10 seconds. It turned army green (indicative of boy). It would have turned brighter yellow or orange if it was a girl. However, I was starting to wonder if vitamin supplements have any effect on this whole test. I mean my pee is already bright yellow from the vitamins and I dont see how it would be possible to turn my pee even more yellow than it already is. I am currently 12 weeks preggo, so we'll see just how accurate the thing was here in about 8 weeks. I am not going to start painting the nursury blue or anything, but if nothing else, this test has provided us with some $35 entertainment. Has anyone else used Intelligender? Were the results accurate for you?
Bye for now...I am off tomorrow am to travel for Nashville for 4 days on business. YAY YAY! I have packing, role plays, and a business plan to work on.